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- 3 major releases
- 200,000 active users per day
- 150,000 new users
App delivers on brand promise
By the end of 2021, is opting for a new brand positioning. Under the motto 'Search less, see more', is marketing itself as the platform where you can very easily be inspired about what you want to watch. On demand and on TV. It was up to us to deliver on this brand promise in the app. With a nationwide marketing campaign, let it be known that the app is the place to be to search less, see more. The new brand positioning, campaign and app reinforce each other. And it shows. The number of users is growing faster than ever. Some 150,000 new users have been added since version 6 went live, taking the total number of users to half a million.
All the offerings under one roof
With a central database of all content, you can easily see if and where you can watch a program, series or movie. Tonight on TV, watch it back via uitzending gemist or stream it on your favo streaming service. With one tap of a button you open the provider's app directly and start watching!
Watching what you want, when you want it
That's what we've added in the brand new update, version 6. Watching TV is no longer just about being in front of the tube on time. The range of streaming services is greater than ever, and from a diverse selection, we only watch what we want to watch, when we want to watch it. To guide users in this, we have worked with the team on the most important update yet.

Home is where the heart is
In a brand new home screen, you will find a feed containing tips, inspirational lists and news. These are editorially curated items and lists along with content based on your personal preferences.

Partners since 2017 and Move have been working together for a long time. Back in 2018, for example, we designed and developed a completely updated version of the app. This still forms the basis on which we continue to develop now.