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From insight to action: Config 2024 'and beyond'

Config has fueled our creative future. In this blog, Design Team Leads Valérie and Thessa take you through their renewed vision of the profession, their own working methods and those of our teams.
Valérie and Thessa on-site at Config


Although we were already fully engaged with the potential of AI before this trip, Config gave us another dose of additional inspiration around the topic. To stay competitive, you simply have to understand and leverage AI. That's why Move has its own AI task force, which explores the possibilities of AI in our digital products. We are also toying with the idea of developing a "custom AI" for airports-a sector we are passionate about. Imagine an airport app that knows everything about your previous travels, adapts to your needs and even helps manage your travel stress. This is not just a futuristic dream, but a tangible goal we set for ourselves. However, we are also aware of the challenges. AI is complex, privacy-sensitive, legally challenging and the boundaries are easily crossed. But these are obstacles we are eager to overcome. After all, the potential rewards are enormous.'

Vision and innovation: keeping up the momentum

At Move, we have a design process that works well. But as the industry evolves, so must we. Config 2024 reminded us that the formula for success is constantly changing and that we need to keep pushing the boundaries. We plan to keep the momentum going by regularly diving into new topics and challenges. We will revisit what is being said and done in the industry and reflect on how it affects our work. For example, we're curious to see how our Digital Airport Platform would perform if it were designed specifically for Gen Z. What decisions would we make differently? What behaviors are we designing for? And do Gen Z'ers experience the same challenges as our current audience?

The power of authenticity

One thing is certain: the next big development in design will be about authenticity. The importance of passion and your unique fingerprint, your character and personality, was a recurring theme at Config. True innovation does not come from imitating someone else's work. It comes from free thinking, making unexpected connections and ideas that are so out-of-the-box they almost don't seem logical. But these very ideas lead to groundbreaking, authentic work.

An interesting, in-depth discussion we look forward to is the one where we discuss with our colleagues what our unique fingerprint is. What do we all care about at Move? Is there something that makes our digital products instantly recognizable? And should we incorporate that into all our work? Or is it the quality standard that makes it 'Move'? All questions that can't be answered by one person. Fortunately, we have a small army of motivated colleagues with whom we can tackle these issues. 

We are all guilty of using platforms like Dribbble, Pinterest or Behance, midjourney and soon Figma AI for inspiration. But Config reminded us that truly user-centered design comes from leaving our comfort zone. Literally and figuratively. We spend our days behind screens in environments that are not truly user-centric. Sometimes you find the real eye-openers by changing your context, opening yourself up to new perspectives and asking: what is my story? It is our unique stories and perspectives that resonate with others, evoke recognition, and ultimately break through into the sea of sameness.

The 'heart' of what we do

Another striking theme from Config was fun. If you don't enjoy what you do every day ... why do you do it? Valérie: "For me, fun sometimes means breaking the rules: throwing out the guidelines and just creating something beautiful. Designing started as a hobby for me. Somewhere along the way, it became a career. Although repetition, process and structure have made me a better designer, it is the moments of pure creative freedom that remind me why I love this profession. What is different is remembered. And what is remembered, wins.'


Config 2024 was not just another conference for us. It was a catalyst. A chance to immerse yourself in new ideas, in a rare environment where you can take a break from the daily grind. A chance to connect with like-minded professionals, learn from the best in the industry, and return with knowledge and a renewed passion for your craft. The doors that Config opened for us are still wide open. With new collaborations, innovative projects and a renewed vision for the future. For us, Config was "time well spent. And well worth the sleep deprivation.

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