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InsingerGilissen Bankiers N.V.InsingerGilissen Bankiers N.V.

InsingerGilissen Bankiers N.V.

A secure payment app within 6 months

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iOS & Android
Design and Development

Digital excellence

Move is guiding InsingerGilissen towards digital excellence. A company-wide transformation, in which digital tools are an increasingly prominent addition to the traditionally highly personal relationship between banker and client. The first feat is the brand new Android and iOS app, with a secure and user-friendly payment option as its most important new feature.

Speed and security in a complex umbrella

"The stakes are high" in the world of private banking. Integrity is a given, security an absolute prerequisite, performance a requirement and complexity a given. So too when developing new digital services, such as the updated app.

In addition to the usual security and privacy requirements, the required migration of sensitive user data from the old app and the integration with a complicated mesh of (third party) systems increased the complexity of the project considerably. Not only did we provide a safe and solid migration and integration, we also implemented an additional layer of security. Obviously while maintaining performance, for an optimal user experience.

A series of comprehensive security assessments by multiple specialist firms confirmed our "security by design" approach: the app meets the very highest security requirements.

An organization-wide digital transformation

Where traditionally a customer would call her or his banker to perform a transaction for a large purchase, for example, this has been deemed unsafe since the introduction of PSD2. Payment via the InsingerGilissen app does comply with strict PSD2 regulation.

The new app is driving an organization-wide transformation. This also demands a lot from the employees. To ensure a smooth transition, we therefore organized together with InsingerGilissen several collective (walk-in) sessions and demos for all stakeholders, but especially for those who have direct customer contact.


A phased release allowed employees and selected customers to test the app extensively, and then achieve a smooth rollout to the entire customer base. In this way, we created a dedicated group of ambassadors even before the release, who could immediately be used as internal and external sources of information and promoters.

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Start-to-finish: 6 months

Together with InsingerGilissen, we developed a secure and user-friendly payment app, from concept to realization. Developed within 6 months, using the new European PSD2 guidelines as well as InsingerGilissen's own high standards for security and quality. However, this is only the beginning. The app forms a solid foundation on which to develop further. We will not only work on existing functionalities, but will of course also add new functionalities that add undeniable value to the personal relationship between InsingerGilissen and its clients as well as to the digital transformation of the bank.

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