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Timing's digital personalization powerTiming's digital personalization power

Timing update

Timing's digital personalization power

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Development, Design, Backend

Personal and relevant job postings

Together with Timing, we are always looking for new ways to optimize the user experience and engagement on job postings. This is how we keep Timing's temporary workers and customers happy. An important wish was to use the app more effectively as an intake channel. By offering personal and relevant vacancies to app users, we believe we can contribute directly to Timing's objectives.

Customer Data Platform

Move is Timing's digital knowledge partner. We are responsible for the (continued) development and maintenance of the mobile app. We also provide part of the digital infrastructure with which Timing offers flex workers and clients an optimal user experience. In order to fill vacancies through the app faster, a personalized vacancy function and application function were required. For this, the app must bring together data on the back end about both vacancies and (potential) candidates. 

The integration of the Customer Data Platform (CDP) Blueconic makes it possible to unlock this multifaceted data on demand from different sources and to use it effectively. As a result, the app shows each individual user the most suitable vacancies that currently match their work experience, education and place of residence. Search behavior in the app and on the Timing website also play a role in this: the CDP automatically adds the search data to the personal profiles and recommendations.

The CDP provides many new features within the app. Users who open the app are now instantly presented with a selection of jobs that seamlessly match personal preference and suitability. In addition, the app can promote selected jobs with a promo box or a set of personalized push messages. And thanks to the new native application flow, candidates post their applications directly through the app with just two button presses.


Due to the personalized job postings and super-simple application flow, the number of referral applications from the app grew from 2,368 in 2021 to 8,232 in-app applications in 2022. An increase of 248 percent. Over the same period, the proportion of applications submitted from the app increased from 3.8 percent to 13.3 percent. And thanks to the low-threshold application flow, the number of applications per candidate increased compared to the website (3.02 versus 1.35). There was also a significant increase in views, clicks and conversion rate.

Digital Personalization Power

What is super interesting for Timing is that the app is now attractive to people who do not (yet) work for Timing. The app now not only serves as a relationship tool, but also develops as a low-threshold entry and flow channel. Through smart data processing, Timing is getting to know the preferences of unknown users better. This enables increasingly accurate selection of suitable candidates for a vacancy. Initial indications strongly suggest that Timing therefore needs to approach fewer candidates per vacancy. This improved 'placement ratio' naturally also results in lower costs and an accelerated recruitment process.

'Through the intensive cooperation of the past few years, we see that Move understands our business and acts as a full-fledged partner. This allows us to develop effectively and quickly, following the trends in our market. We've launched an incredibly valuable app for our users and business.'

Stijn Bossink
Product Owner

In addition to being able to fill vacancies faster, Timing benefits from the new digital personalization power in other ways. For example, the richer profiles can help identify flex workers who have grown bored with their current positions at an early stage. As a result, Timing is always connected to the flex worker's needs and thus able to retain them for longer.

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All-in-one app

The Timing app is increasingly becoming the centerpiece in the temporary worker's customer journey. In addition to registering, applying and managing work, we also see the app as a suitable channel for initiatives around personal development. This could manifest itself in the form of training, education and courses. The ultimate goal? Whatever you want to do at Timing, you arrange it in the app. Anytime, anywhere.

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