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- 37.5% faster handling of fault reports thanks to app
- Monthly 6,577 work orders settled in app
- Market share of 40% through scalability
- Demonstrably safer track using app
ASSET Rail performs track maintenance and repair work on behalf of ProRail. The available "off the shelf" software for the industry is not error-free and offers limited opportunities for further digital transformation. Therefore, ASSET Rail asked Move to develop a user-friendly, business-accelerating, safety-enhancing mobile custom solution. In 2023, the various components came together in the "master release" of ASSET Rail's technical landscape. The result of this digital transformation? Safer workplaces, attractive employment, scalability, margin expansion and a rock-solid market position.
Time pressure versus safety
ProRail's basic principle is that trains only run when it is 100% safe to do so, and with the least possible delay. So time pressure is a constant factor in all of ASSET Rail's work. One that opens the door for margin for error. But mistakes are unacceptable when it comes to working on rail safety. On the one hand, ASSET Rail therefore operates under strict safety regulations, procedures and programs. On the other hand, contractual agreements have been made with ProRail regarding the amount of breakdowns and the maximum duration of approach times, maintenance and repair work. All these things are linked to a bonus/malus system. One minute more or less (you read this correctly) results in fines or bonuses.
Super-smart digital infrastructure
So good, fast and safe work pays off. That's why we developed a super-smart infrastructure for ASSET Rail employees that includes two Android apps and a super-smart backend. Together, where possible, these eliminate human intervention in the overall process. Thus ASSET Rail speeds up its processes, eliminates the chance of human error and increases employee safety. The apps are available for tablet and phone and can be used on and offline. The solid appearance is tailored to practical use and makes the apps usable in all weathers, day and night. Even with big hands.
Notifications app
The notifications app is a simple, single-purpose app that automatically unlocks disruption notifications from ProRail systems. The app displays current outages plus running times and sends push notifications. This eliminates the need for phone calls to outage coordinators from ProRail's notification center. The app ensures that necessary information about what is happening on the track reaches engineers much faster and provides 24/7 insight into what is happening on site.
A 'cutting-edge' backend
What is remarkable about ASSET Rail's digital infrastructure is its super-tight, smart backend. ASSET Rail is the first subcontractor to have direct links to systems from ProRail and other partners. To make the most of those links, we modified an open source API from CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) such that it forwards data from ASSET Rail apps to EAM platform Hexagon, which is linked to ProRail systems. In Hexagon, all of ASSET Rail's work orders and objects are stored and maintenance schedules are created. These are then visible in the app, where the engineer can enter data that is fed back directly to ProRail.
'With our current technical infrastructure, we are much better able to inform ProRail about where we are, what still needs to be done and potential risks. Move's mobile customization has given us insight and overview. And with that, a satisfied customer.'

Demonstrably Safe Rideability
ProRail is committed to maximum safety on the tracks and takes all necessary measures to control risks. The Demonstrably Safe Circulation (AVB) program is designed to identify short-term risks and make long-term structural improvements, with a special focus on track and points. This program works closely with ProRail's Performance Based Maintenance (PBM) program. In fact, the improvements developed within the AVB program often lead to adjustments in work processes and contracts with maintenance contractors.
To achieve improvements, formats, regulations, tools and dashboards are being adapted in consultation with users. New data sources are also being made available, processes are being optimized and implemented, and cooperation with PBM contract contractors is being improved. The custom solution we developed for ASSET Rail resulted in a major digital edge over competitors. This allows the company to make an active and valuable contribution to ProRail's programs.
'By applying these apps, ASSET Rail cleverly connects the digital infrastructure with the infrastructure outside, without losing sight of the fact that the focus is on the mechanics. This development offers opportunities to further professionalize the exchange of maintenance data with ProRail, leading to more uniformity and quality and thus better demonstrability of safe drivability.'

On the right track
Robert Kosse (CEO Move): 'By (daring to) pioneer digitally, ASSET Rail has worked towards scalability and a rock-solid market position. I am super proud of Move's role in this and look forward to the further development of our cooperation.'
Want to know more about the partnership between ASSET Rail and Move? Read the interview with general manager Jorn Pruntel here.